Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 11, 2013

Pile of Snowballs and Jammer of December

Hello Jammers! Sorry for the semi-late post. The Jam Mart Furniture Store released the returning Piles of Snowballs....
Great item going into December! Yesterday's new item, I couldn't get to was a Pet Beach Towel.
 There is a new video in Sarepia Forest....

The Daily Explorer posted an article about News Crew winners...
 That's a lot of great Feast of Thanks Snaps!

Discover Day

Comment Below where this is, with your username, and you could win a prize!

Sky News

 Comment your User!

That means you have 2 things to comment today: Jammer of the Month and Discover Day Location! So Comment away! Be back tomorrow for more details about the Movie Sequel! Have fun and happy jamming!!

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