Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 6, 2014

Peck turns Tiki

Hey Jammers!
No new Jamaa Journal today, but there will be one next Thursday!
The New Item in the Jam Mart Furniture Store is a Peck Tiki Statue....
Another good addition to the collection. I bet I know what tomorrow's new item will be... (Greely *hint* *wink*)
Jammer Art for the Summer Carnival has been posted....
It is now on the Sky Art Mini Blog!

In Sky News, the Fashion Show is sadly over, but that doesn't mean the excitement is over! 
Sigurd the Deer has been added to the Alphas Page....
Click above to read about the famous Sigurd the Deer Shaman!

 The Clearance Tab has been updated....
Click above to see the new clearance items, including Pet Foxes!!
Shorter post today!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

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