Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 11, 2013

Ads, Glitches, Movies... Oh My!

Welcome all Jammers! Lots of news today. The new item being sold in the Play-As-Your-Pet Party is a
They are sooo tiny ^-^
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Ice Armor...
That is very generous, and a cool graphic! >.<
AJHQ has also released this colorful advertisement...
I can't wait till tomorrow to receive the first gift!! 
Also, today is probably the last day to get the November birthstone..
So go get it now!

Glitch Corner

Animal Jam has had a lot of problems with numbers, such as the one shown above in the right corner. Then all your items are missing. If this happens, just refresh the page.

Sky News


Movie News

Here are the official actors/actresses for the Journey of the Wolves Sequel...
Thunderhowl - Wolf #1
missdarlingjammer - Wolf #2
lol89762 - Arctic Wolf
chocolate4050(me) - Santa-roo

Now ONLY if you are one of the actors above Comment below the times you are available to tape the movie:
Tomorrow @  5:30 p.m. (*AJ TIME)
Tomorrow @ 6:00 p.m. (*AJ TIME)
Monday @ 6:00 p.m. (*AJ TIME)

* AJ Clock on top of Blog

The winner of yesterday's Discover Day is Burrtail! Congrats you were chosen through the random number generator. 
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 11, 2013

Pile of Snowballs and Jammer of December

Hello Jammers! Sorry for the semi-late post. The Jam Mart Furniture Store released the returning Piles of Snowballs....
Great item going into December! Yesterday's new item, I couldn't get to was a Pet Beach Towel.
 There is a new video in Sarepia Forest....

The Daily Explorer posted an article about News Crew winners...
 That's a lot of great Feast of Thanks Snaps!

Discover Day

Comment Below where this is, with your username, and you could win a prize!

Sky News

 Comment your User!

That means you have 2 things to comment today: Jammer of the Month and Discover Day Location! So Comment away! Be back tomorrow for more details about the Movie Sequel! Have fun and happy jamming!!

Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 11, 2013

Happy Feast of Thanks!

Happy Thanksgiving Jammers! 

The new item is not found anywhere! I bet it is in the Play-as-your-Pet Party. Speaking of that party, there are two semi-new items that I couldn't take pictures of, but I finally go them...
You can change the seat color of the stool, and the diamond color of the chair.

Sky News

The winner of the Thanksgiving Poem Contest is pupp1266! Congrats! Here is their poem...

Feast of Gratitude

Thanks, gratitude, appreciation

These shape your characterization!
Think about who made this big dinner,
no matter who did it, they're a winner!

Who gives you the presents on Christmas?
Money doesn't grow on trees
and neither do great Christmas eves.
Thanks is a think to never take for granted,
it is most definitely enchanted!


Thanks to all who participated! 
Happy Feast of Thanks! Have fun and happy jamming!!

Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 11, 2013


Hello everyone! We are celebrating 70,000 views today! First, the new item in the Jam Mart Clothing Store
is a Striped Scarf...
Scarf2 on Make A Gif

Very Christmas-y for feast of thanks!
There is a new video in the Aquarium...
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Elephants...
 They are so delicate, but huge ^-^

Rumor Reader

The Rumor Reader this week is about the Traveling Animals. Giraffes and Rhinos have been gone since May 23! That is a long time! So, When are they coming back?

Sky News

I know we don't have 70,000 views yet, but we are celebrating it today, and Thanksgiving tomorrow! Thanks so much for 70,000 views! Now for the big surprise...To show my thanks I have decided to make another movie! Yes, another. Remember the first one....
It was so much fun. So I have decided to make a sequel! 
I need 3 actors and I will do the rest. Here are the details...
So comment if you would like to be in the production (User and Reason). In a few days I will post more details like when we will tape it.

Thanksgiving Poem Contest is over! The winner's poem will be shown on Thanksgiving morning! Have fun and happy jamming!!

Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 11, 2013

Candle Ornament

 Welcome Jammers! The Jam Mart Furniture Store came out with new candle ornaments...
Christmas already? Sorry I had no time to do a slideshow today!
The Daily Explorer posted an article about yesterday's rare...
 The horse looks a little frightened O.o
I just wanted to show everyone that I finally got 10 diamonds! Woo hoo...
I really want to buy a cheetah, but I am waiting to see if deer are going to be in the Diamond Shop. So the suspense is getting to me ^-^

Mystery of the Week

In Mt. Shiveer there are two mysterious blocked caves. So where could they live? Does one lead to a new land? Does one lead to the Harper the seal shaman? Do they lead to secret rooms? Why are they blocked off?

Comment Call: Comment ideas! (You write a story if you want.)

Sky News

I have a big surprise for the up-an-coming 70,000 views.
Have fun and happy jamming!! 

Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 11, 2013

Rare Faerie Wings

Hello Jammers! The Rare item Monday is in the Jam Mart Clothing Store, on the sixth page, which are Rare Faerie Wings...
 Very costly, isn't it? There is probably something new at the Play-As-Your-Pet Party too, so remember to look there!
Brady's Theater has a new video for you...
The Daily Explorer posted an article about..well..experiments...
Great ideas Dr. Brady Barr! Hooray for Science ^.^
Has anyone noticed on the third page of Sunken Treasures, there is a glitch that says the underwater snowmen are new...
I am sure AJHQ will fix this soon!

Sky News

Blu the Monkey- Issue #4
More Blogs updated
Mondays are always short post today. Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: Would you rather go to Pets Only Party or Play-as-your-Pet Party?

Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 11, 2013

Fruit Stool

 Hey Jammers! The new item in the Jam Mart Furniture Store is the famous Fruit Bowl...
Just in time for the Feast of Thanks!
The Play-as-your-Pet Party released a Pet Diner Stool...
*Picture Credit to the Animal Jammerz
 There is a new video in the Sarepia Theater...
Go check it out on your free time.
The Daily Explorer posted an article about the new video...
I suggest watching it, it is pawesome!

Den Designer
Feast of Thanks Picnic
This week's Den Designer is a great Thanksgiving item for your den! All you nee is a picnic table, food-related items, and anything else you want on your table. Plus you can add special items such as trees or a scarecrow. Go try it now!

Sky News

I have made another Skymail video. This is the Eighth Skymail video in it's series....

Thank you jammers!!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Picture of the Day
Hamsters are available for every jammer! They can go to the new party too!

Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 11, 2013

Pet HD Television

Welcome Jammers! The Play-As-Your-Pet Party released new HD Televisions for pets....
So tiny ^-^ Can we even see the screen?
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Pet Hamsters...
Remember Hamsters are a great way to let nonmembers go to the Pet Parties!

Glitch Corner

Have you ever experienced this glitch? When you open a player's card it looks like their den is unlocked. However, when you click on it....
 This pop up box comes on your screen. Hmm.... I don't think there is a solution to this glitch, so you must have to just check to see if it is unlocked or not. 
If you have a glitch send it to, it might be shown on the blog!

Sky News

I just wanted to show this picture again. Once the blog hits 70,000 views it will be revealed.
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Yesterday's Discovery Day winner by random drawing is: Dawr!  
Comment Call: Name your top 3 favorite AJ Animals.