Thứ Hai, 7 tháng 7, 2014

Rare Samurai Helmet

Welcome Sky Jammers!
The Rare Item Monday in the Jam Mart Clothing Store is a Rare Samurai Helmet...
Looks: ****
Price: **
Jamaasian: ****
I like the Rare Item Monday, it will go good for Fashion Shows!
The Crystal Palace is shining some light on the Daily Explorer....
I love this den, it is my favorite! I give it a a 5/5 stars. What do you rate it?

Mystery of the Week

I know that I have talked about this before, but I want to talk about it again.
Breaking the Ice in Mt. Shiveer! I hate to say this, but I am sure that the ice in Mt. Shiveer will not break. I think it is just a fun mystery to keep jammers occupied. However, it is very fun to gather all animals to try and break it. Oh ya, I finally, broke the ice with my fox....
Haha, I know that is a lame joke ^-^
I thought it was creative. What do you think about the ice in Mt. Shiveer?

Glitch Corner

The Pets are having some technical glitches with the Pet Stop....
This jammers seems to have a pet selected, but the Pet Stop says otherwise. I would just try to refresh the page, and if that does not work, just email AJHQ about the issue.
Thanks Basa AJ for sending in your glitch!

Sky News

The first pet eliminated from the Pet Fashion Show Competition is....
Sorry Hypergirl you have been eliminated! 
Comment Call: Vote a jammer out! (Please provide username with vote)

You may have noticed that Glitch Corner has moved to Monday, that is because I am bringing back Weekly Overviews! That is right, they are coming back. Weekly Overviews are where I create a slideshow of what happened this week in Jamaa and in the Sky Blog. I hope you like it!

In other Sky News, I have decided to continue making Skymail videos, however there is a slight change. I will only be showing clothing and den item sent, not Blu Donations! I will still be receiving Blu Donations, but they will not be seen in the Skymails. Everything else will be seen in the videos!

New Poll on Blu's Blog!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

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