Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 3, 2014

Search for Greely + Winner

Happy Spring everyone! Today is update day!
Here is the first page of this Adventure-Filled Jamaa Journal.....
Here is a slideshow of Adventure Pictures Below:
Here is one of the prizes:
If you have a prize please send them to

I hope everyone bought a Panda, if you didn't just read the awesome new banners around Jamaa to read about species!

Lots of cool new videos

The April Fools Party is one of the most Fun parties in Jamaa since it is upside-down!!

The Jammer Central Calendar is updated....
Pill Bugs is worth x2 gems for the next 2 weeks!
There is also a new Jam-A-Gram....

The Winner of the Animal Jam Sky Blog's Lucky Day Fashion Show is..........
Congrats! Thanks for everyone who entered the show, it was fun!
I will send you a prize soon!!

The Jamaa Journal has been added to the Sky Archive!
Jammer Art posted on the Art Mini Blog

Giveaway prizes will be sent out tomorrow!
Sky Scene Actors will be released on Saturday's Post!
Have fun and happy Spring!

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