Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 3, 2014

Rare Golden Headphones

Welcome Sky Jammers! April Fools is tomorrow! Get ready for a Wacky Post!
Today's Rare Item Monday is in Epic Wonders, it is Rare Golden Headphones.....
Jamaasian: **
Looks like good music will be coming out of these headphones!
Yesterday's new item was in the April Fools Shop, it was a milkshake hat....
Cool item, but does it even look like a hat?
The Sarepia Theater has released a new video....

The Daily Explorer posted an article about the Great Nature Project.....
This is a Great Project to spread the word on these amazing animals.

The week's mystery is in the deep sea in the depths of the Deep Blue. Notice how there is a gigantic gap in the ocean floor. This is how volcanoes are created. So what does this mean? Will there be a volcano there someday? Does it lead to a phantom volcano? Does it lead to a jammer's volcano den?
Comment Call: Solve the Mystery of the Deep Lava!

**Attention Actors**
One actor can only make it at 6:00 AJ TIME, can we change it to then?

1 More day to vote on the Right Poll!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 3, 2014

French Fried

Hey Jammers! The New Item once again is probably being sold in the April Fools Party.
Yesterday's new April Fools Item was a (French) Fry Hat........
Looks like you might get a stain on your clothes when wearing this new item! Here is a little joke to go along with the new item:
What kind of monkeys like French Fries?

Potatochimps! ^o^
The Daily Explorer posted an article about the moon.....
 See if you can see the moon from the Sol Arcade ^-^

This Week in Jamaa's History 2 years ago.....
Octopuses came to Jamaa's Oceans! How exciting!!
Also this week....
The Horses Only Party was introduced!
Other events this week:
The Hot Cocoa Machines were the Monthly Membership Gift
The Spring Egg Hunt Started
New Sarepia Forest Journey Book
The Pet Game "Disc Toss" Was new
Custom Jam-A-Gram Chat was now available

Click above to see the newest issue!

**Attention Actors**
Can we agree and try to record April 1st @ 5:00 AJ TIME? Comment if this works, and if it doesn't when?

Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: What is your favorite type of French Fry (Waffle, Crinkle, straight, etc.)

Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 3, 2014

Glitches Galore!

Hello Jammers! The new item is not to be seen so it is probably in the April Fools Party. 
Yesterday's new item was also in the April Fools Party it was a Cheese Hat......
I guess we will all be cheese heads from now on XD
It would make a good mouse costume for Night of the Phantoms or a Fashion Show!
Original Color: Brown
The Aquarium has posted a new video....
Speaking of the Aquarium there is Tierney now! In this pawesome Daily Explorer article shown below.....
"Did you know almost 50 different shark species have light-emitting organs called photospheres?"

Last Tuesday there was a Glitch Update from AJHQ, since then they fixed a lot of glitches, but have added a couple. But, in the end they fixed almost all of these. Here are a few glitches from that time.....
Looks like the Jamagrams are in code! Better know the code to send to your friends ;)
Looks like all of your animals have been "tempAvt" -ed. That is just AJHQ's default player names. This can happen to player profiles also.
 The last glitch of the week is from bkcrazies0....
It is the famous invisible jammers glitch! I love how the little shadow stays, it makes it kind of creepy!

**Attention Actors**
These are the dates I have decided to plan, you need to choose the ones that you can attend. From there we will choose one!
March 31 @ 12:00 AJ TIME
March 31 @ 5:00 AJ TIME
April 1 @ 5:00 AJ TIME
April 3 @ ANYTIME
April 4 @ ANYTIME
Thanks actors please comment the dates you are available. 

New Background! Do you like it for April Fools?
Have fun and happy jamming!!
Comment Call: Tunnel Town v.s. Jump

Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 3, 2014

April Fools Party

Hi Jammers!
The New Item seems to be misssing at the moment!?!?! I checked every single shop in Jamaa. Maybe, it will come later on during the day...
The Daily Explorer posted an article about News Crew....
Haven't heard from News Crew in a while!
The first April Fools Party of 2014 was yesterday! Here is the new items....
Cool new items in a Pineapple shaped shop!
Below is an exclusive video tour of the new party.....
Pretty Epic party!

Have you ever seen the new movie Frozen?
If you have, I tried [^-^] to make a Deer look like Elsa. Here is what you need:
 Ice Amulet - 1 Diamond
Ice Gauntlets - 1 Diamond
Rare Snowflake Cape - Trade System
Head Flower - 350 Gems

Videos Tab updated
Today is the last day of Jammer of the Month Sign-Ups! To sign up click here!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: Frozen v.s. Tangled

Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 3, 2014

Map + April Sign-Ups

Hey Jammers!
The Sunken Treasure Shop has released Treasure Maps!
It looks like a map from an Adventure! Also, if you click the map a little cute crab comes out from beneath it! Cool item!
The Daily Explorer posted an exciting article....
Yes, they gave us a code! The code is: THANKS
Imprisoned Phantoms have returned!
AJHQ has also posted Jammer Art which I posted on the Art Mini Blog.

I might as well and surprise you all now....
So above is the Comment Call! Sign-Ups end March 27th, 2014 and the winner will be announced on April 1st, 2014! Good Luck!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 3, 2014

"Fossilized" Tooth Necklace

Welcome all animals of Jamaa!
The new item being sold in Bahari Bay is a Fossilized Tooth Necklace....
That is strange... it used to be called "Shark Tooth Necklace". It sounds smarter :) 
There used to be a glitch with this item, but AJHQ has fixed it, so that the tooth doesn't turn black!

The Brady Theater has released a new video.....

The Daily Explorer has posted two new articles!
I suggest watching this fun Creature Feature video.
 The second article is very interesting....
As many of you know, yesterday Animal Jam was offline for some hours. AJHQ blamed the pesky phantoms for glitching Jamaa. A lot of jammers were outraged by this news, but don't worry, Animal Jam is back on and running! With this "update" tons of glitches have started popping up around jamaa. We will be featuring all of these glitches on Saturday for Glitch Corner! So if you find glitches, you can be featured on the blog, just send an email of a photo of the glitch with your username to

This week's Epic Sky Den is from bkcrazies0's den with there idea of a Greely Corner!!
Congrats, they have been added to the Epic Sky Den Hall of Fame!

The winner of yesterday's Discover Day was snowleopardcubs, congrats your mini-prize was a Freedom Astronaut Helmet!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call:  Silverbird brought it to my attention that the Mystery Emporium has new music, so go listen to this alien like music. Do you like it or do you like the old tunes?