Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 6, 2014

Rare Propeller

Jamaa News________________

Welcome Jammers to the Animal Jam Sky Blog!
The Bahari Bargains Shop has released the Rare Item Monday, Rare Propeller...
Looks: ***
Price: **
Jamaasian: ***
It looks like something Graham would have made!
The Aquarium has a new video...
The Daily Explorer posted an article about the Summer Carnival....
 Did you know that the New Daily Explorer website has a all new background download page? Click here to get your own!

Mystery of the Week________________

The Mystery of the Week comes from Jamaa's Summer Carnival!
Have you ever noticed some booths are some empty/unrevealed? 
Usually around the 4th of July a booth opens for red, white, and blue plushies, but still there are some empty spots. What do you think the new booths will be? Will they be more den items? Carnival Pets? Caarnival Animals? A new game? Will they even open?
Comment Call: Solve this mystery!

Sky News________________

Darling Snowybunny has been eliminated.
Comment Call: Vote another Jammer out!

Have fun and happy jamming!!
Comment Call: What new Animal should I add to the All About Animals Page?

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