Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 1, 2014

Ski Lift Chair

Jamaa News

Hi Jammers! The Jam Mart Furniture Store is following the Ski Lodge theme with their new Ski Lift Chair...
Great item!!
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Tierney...
Speaking of the Aquarium, there is a new video about coral...
Great videos, check them out in the Aquarium today!

Did You Know?

Did you know that when you click on Pet Joeys each one plays differently depending on the clothes they are wearing? If your joey has a boomerang, when you click on it, it will throw it! If you have boxing gloves on your joey it will box when you click it. Check out different moves with your pet joey today!

Sky News

Infinity Arcticclaw is eliminated!
Comment Call: Vote another jammer out!

We had a little incident yesterday on the blog. There was a very rude person who commented very mean comments on every page of the blog. I just wanted to inform you that they have been deleted, and the comments were not true.
1. I am not a scammer
2. I do not "date" on virtual worlds
So if you are the person posted rude comments please do not comment on the blog ever. If you know who did it please inform me. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

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