Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 5, 2013

Moon Hat and Keep Playing AJ


The new item goes along with Wednesday's item..instead of a Sun Hat it is a Moon Hat!!

This is now for sale at the Summer Carnival Clothing Shop, and it is again nonmember! Congratulations!! 
The Daily Explorer didn't post an article but they did fix their glitch! Did you notice for two days the Daily Explorer looked like this...

Have you seen this in the Diamomd Shop that they just added today... another Suggestion Box!!

Keep Playing Animal Jam

Also there are a lot of Jammers leaving Jamaa forever! This is because they say that all the rares and beta items are coming back so if everyone has all beta items...what is the point of trading. I want to strongly encourage jammers  not to quit AJ!! This is because Beta Items are not coming back!!! The Diamond Shop doesn't sell Beta Items, they sell monthly membership gifts!!! And they hardly sell them because the Tail Armor does not come in all the colors that were offered before and the Rare Lion Plushies do not have a Rare Plaque like the others!! Plus, it is very
 hard to get diamonds, so jammers wont be buying a whole lot...So again do not get mad at AJHQ and of course do not quit Animal Jam, it is your second home!! Have fun and happy jamming!!

Also There is new Awesome Jammer Art posted on the Awesome Jammer Art Tab!!!

Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 5, 2013

Diamonds Everywhere!?!?

What is this an extra Jamaa Journal? Yes!! We got an extra Jamaa was supposed to be next week! I wonder when we will have the next one!

The new item is in Epic Wonders! It is a Crystal Liza Statue!!

Anyway there is a new concept...Diamonds. It is basically another source of spending money, like gems or tickets! here is the Full Jamaa Journal....

All members receive 4 diamonds as a gift from AJHQ!! Thanks!!

You can find how many you have just like the rest! Hover your cursor over the gems at the top!
You might also get some more diamonds in the Daily Spin....

Well the Club Geoz didn't really get remodeled just added on to! See it is the same :)

And here is the new Diamond Shop!!!

Below are the shops and new items today!!

Above is a Screenshot I took inside the Diamond Shop! 
I can't tell you how much I LOVE THIS IDEA!! Thank you AJHQ now jammers can buy lions, pet monkeies, Tail Armor!! Wow!! The Daily Explorer posted articles on how diamonds are used....

Guess who had the picture above on their blog before diamonds came, me! Yes I had a clue to what was coming! Anyway have fun at the FULL Diamond Shop!! Have fun and happy jamming!!

Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 5, 2013

Sun Hat and New Code

Hey Jammers, it is me ScooterJammer! The new item is NONMEMBER!! It is located at the clothing shop in the Summer is a Sunny Sun Hat!!

I am pretty sure members can change the colors, and if you meet a really nice member jammer you can trade them colors, nonmembers! 
The Daily Explorer posted two articles. One is about the....
Congrats to Miss SunnyWolf!! The other article is about breaking the bridge and pond...
It basically says that three Jammers can make a crack, but nobody has broke it yet. AJHQ says to keep trying because you could be a very lucky jammer if you break it!!
And there is finally a new code! I think AJHQ forgot about codes for awhile :/ anyway the code is for 1,000 gems....

The code is NGEXPLORER! If you are confused about how to use a code, it is OK! Just visit the bottom of the Codes Tab, and it will tell you everything you need to know! Thanks AJHQ!! 
Remember that today is the last day to submit your Jamagram for the Summer Jamagram Contest!! And also keep in mind that a new Contest was posted on the Contest Tab! Have fun and happy jamming!!

Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 5, 2013

Pet Rollercoaster

Hey Sky Jammers! The new item is located in the newest shop at the Summer is a Pet Rollercoaster!!

I really like the concept of the roller coaster, however I wish it wasn't for pets. Wouldn't it be awesome if Jamaa had ROLLERCOASTERS! Cool! Who knows, maybe they will in the future!!
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Beta Days...
I love how they talked about the Beta Days because it is one of the most talked about concepts in Jamaa! In other news... You Jammers voted and I responded, do you like the new background?? It is underwater like you asked...
Anyway, this is kind of random o_O But yesterday when I put on my new Rare Angel Wings for my monkey, it reminded me of a flying monkey from the film The Wizard of Oz! So I tried to out on the full costume...

Pretty close, right?!?! Haha!
Have you seen the recent thing added to Jamaa's shops??? The place cards sparkle!! Cool...
Go and try for yourself!!
 And now I would like to personally thank ferretlover87 we got together and traded, and now I have a new Epic Wolf Sidekix Plushie! If you want to play with one just head on over to my den (chocolate4050's den)! There is also a new voting poll on the right side, new contest on the Contests Tab, new server on the Servers Tab, and a new update on the About Scooter Tab! Wow a lot of new things to make your Animal Jam Experience better!!!! Have fun and happy jamming!!

Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 5, 2013

Rare Angel Wings and 3,000 Views

Sorry for the late post today jammers!! I know you all have been patient this Memorial Weekend, but now things are back to normal! I just got back from my vacation and I am ready for Jamaa!!
Today's new Rare Monday Item is Rare Angel Wings...
The Daily Explorer posted an article about the Rare Item Monday too...

Rare Item Monday's

A lot of you have been wondering... how can I afford the Rare Item Monday's!?!?!? Well I have some advice for all of you jammers! Ok so on the Tuesday after the Rare Item Monday go play a game for maybe 10-15 minutes top...just for a little bit. Now do that for everyday so you will slowly gain more gems. Also, a lot of gems can come from the Daily Gem Bonus! When Monday rolls around you will have more than enough gems to buy the Rare Item Monday. If anyone still needs help or has a question just comment below!

In other news... I found this picture of Greely without his monocle that cerberus253 posted...

Great job, cerberus253!! I don't know if you drew this but I love this image!! 
The Poll is over after today, so hurry and vote! And Congrats to all of you Sky Jammers for 3,000 pageviews! I want to cry tears of joy!! :') Have fun in Jamaa jammers and happy jamming!!!

Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 5, 2013

Sports Jersey

Today's new item goes along with Friday's Item, it is a sports jersey!!!!
I wonder who is #88? Maybe it is a default number. What do you think??
Anyway, the Daily Explorer posted about the Summer Jamagram contest..

And about the new remodeling in Club Geoz!!

I don't know if you are excited, but I am!!
And look at the Epic Seasonal Tree... There are robin eggs! When will they hatch into babies! :)

Now for this weeks mystery!! In the Deep Blue there is a crack on the ground with lava coming out! There are a lot of underwater volcanoes in real life! But where does this one lead in Jamaa?

Does it lead to someone's volcano den? To the Wolf's Only Party?? To Jamaa's core??? Comment what your ideas are!! Have fun and happy jamming!!!

Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 5, 2013


Hey Jammers! I am out in the wilderness, camping! Yesterday I wasn't sure if the campground I am at had Internet connection(WiFi)...but it does!!! So I can post!! Today's new item is a cowbell for sale at the Jam Session Party...

The Daily Explorer posted a articles about Brady's Giant Python Expedition...

And also another contest about Sidekix Plushies. You get to name the wolf! To enter follow the picture instructions on the Daily Explorer!!!

Now it is time for our little Blast to the Past segment.. This segment has to be my favorite because we get to see how Jamaa was like when Animal Jam first started! This week's Blast to the Past is about the old Login Screen. It started out like this...
And then hen you clicked "Play" another screen poped up!

After a couple months AJHQ released this background Login...

And so it was after a couple more changes Animal Jam's Login screen is back to the way it is today!! Have fun and happy jamming!!!

Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 5, 2013

Football Helmet

Hi Jammers! As we all know this weekend is Memorial Weekend, and my family and I are going Camping!! Maybe I will see some of the animals in Jamaa!! :) but anyway I do not know if I will be able to post articles for tomorrow, Sunday, and Monday! I looked up on the Campground Website to see if they had wifi, so maybe I could post from my Ipad, and they do. So it is a 50/50 chance I will be posting this weekend...Sorry Jammers!! I will try my best!!

Today's new item is in the Jam Clothing Shop , it's a football helmet! Now you can have some safety while you play!!!

The Daily Explorer posted an article about a News Crew Article winner...
Congrats Fauna Theivy!!!
Did you notice? The Beta Game River Race is back!!!! Ya!! However it isn't for sale yet as a den item...
To play it go to the bottom of Jamaa Township..


Here is a little spoiler alert! These are the prizes you get for the Brady Barr's Expedition...

Anyway, Club Geoz is under construction, but you are still allowed inside. Look at the blueprint up close on the side of Club Geoz...
It looks like the Conservation Museum!!

A lot of you emailed me @ and asked me what I thought would be in the next update. I think that Club Geoz will be back, and by the blueprint above I bet it will be more dancing, like a ballroom, since the new Jam Session took the music! I also think Cosmo and the Koalas will be back with a new land, maybe a new Carnival game, or a new expedition!!
In blog news.... A new poll was posted to the right, so go and vote today!!!  Have fun and happy jamming!!