Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 3, 2013

Baseball Cleats

Happy Good Friday! Animal Jam is really heating up!! Bringing new things everyday! Today's new item is baseball cleats...

Sorry nonmembers! I remember not having new things as a nonmember.. I would ask your parents to get a membership. They are actually kind of cheap! You just go to the Animal Jam home page and click membership, or you could do what I did and just went to the local Walmart to pick up a 3 month membership. The Daily Explorer is posted an article on 10 million jammers..
Remember to use the code: 10million to get one of these awesome banners!
Jammers have discovered the prize for the Egg-Hunt!! It isn't the prize last year(Egg pedistal) is a nest of eggs...
Sometimes you get phantoms when you click them and sometimes you get birds and alligators..have fun and happy jamming!!!

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