Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 4, 2014

Smiley Sir Gilbert

Jamaa News________________

Welcome every Jammer!
The New Item in the Sunken Treasures Shop is a Sunken Sir Gilbert Tiki Statue...
Well, AJHQ spelled his name right, unlike yesterday's "Costmo."
Again, I love these items, his head looks big, but look at that smile it looks exactly like this face:
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Ask Tierney....
Dr. Tierney Thys tells us all about the colorful lionfish in this week’s Creature Feature! When lionfish are young, they have tentacles above their eyes and under their mouths called wigglers. The lionfish uses these wigglers to attract their prey: it wiggles them to get its prey’s attention, and when its prey swims too close, the lionfish will catch it with a super fast strike! As they grow and become better hunters, the wigglers slowly disappear. Lionfish also have an amazing survival skill: they are able to slow down their metabolism when prey is less plentiful. They can slow it so much that they can live without food for more than three months!

Epic Sky Den________________

The Epic Sky Den of the Week is from Xavier883, for their idea of a Winter Wonderland!
Congrats, you have been added to the Epic Sky Dens Hall of Fame.

Sky News________________

A New Blu Issue has been released.....
Click above to see this new issue.
Remember every Sunday and Wednesday are Blu the Monkey issues!
New Art posted on the Jammer Art Mini Blog
Get all your Clearance items before they are gone!
wessie4chu won yesterday's Discover Day!
Update Day is tomorrow, so be sure to check back here to see exclusive news!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: What do you think will be in tomorrow's update?

Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 4, 2014

Sunken Cosmo

Jamaa News________________

Hi Jammers!
The New item in the Sunken Treasures shop is a Sunken Cosmo Tiki Statue...
It is just as good as Liza's Statue! I wonder how they sunk.. Maybe they used to be in Crystal Sands.
The Sarepia Theater has released a new video....
The Daily Explorer posted an article about the Rare Item Monday....
On this Rare Item Monday we present to you this Rare Glove. As as a special for this item, you may choose the cold! Gloves were first used commonly in ancient Egypt. They were worn by the Pharaohs to show their high position. In the Middle Ages, it was a custom to eat with special gloves that only covered the fingers. Full gloves were also used by shepherds and peasants for protection when working. There were also leather gloves without fingers used for hunting with a bow and arrow. There were also gloves made of metal rings used for fighting called gauntlets.

Discover Day________________

Comment Call: Comment the location of the image above for a chance to win a prize!

Sky News________________

The Blu Photo of the Week is below...
Graham's Gems
To see Blu's full gallery of photos click here!

The Jammer of the Month and Pet of the Month Sign-Ups are over!
Winners will be announced May 1, 2014.
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 4, 2014

Gloves are Back + Sign-Ups

Jamaa News________________

Hello Jammers!
The Rare item Monday in the Jam Mart Clothing Store is the original glove.....
Looks: *****
Price: *
Jamaasian: *****
Wow, it seems like this has happened before, oh ya Fox Hats! -.- Oh well I guess now everyone can have a glove! They are pretty expensive: 3,000 gems!
Yesterday another new item was being sold in Sunken Treasures, it is a Sunken Liza Tiki Statue....
I absolutely love this item and I hope they make more for all the Alphas. 
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Phantom Armor....
Have you rescued Greely from the phantoms but still want more adventure? We’ve added a hard mode to THE SEARCH FOR GREELY! We’ve added the exclusive and elusive Phantom Armor pieces as the reward for completing this adventure in hard mode. The Phantom Armor cannot be bought in any Jamaa store and there is a total of five separate pieces; armor, tail armor, helmet, gauntlets, and amulet. Can you win them all? ~AJHQ

Mystery of the Week________________

The Mystery of the Week is about the Toy Boat Pond, which you can win as a prize through the Kani Cove Journey Book. Also, in Kani Cove is a phantom sunken ship that looks like the one in the Toy Boat Pond. Could the Toy Boat Pond be telling us a story based on a battle that raged in Jamaa's History? Maybe the Blue Heron is the Paw Print Ship. So it shows us that the Blue Heron and the Sunken Phantom Ship battled in the sea and when you click the pond the phantom ship sinks. So it probably is the one at the bottom of Kani Cove. It all connects (\^o^/) 
Picture by papyjam
Mystery Idea by Tess H.
Told by Scooter

Sky News________________

Well, the long anticipated event has come! Jammer and Pet of the Month Sign-Ups..... 
 Comment Call: Comment above if you want to be Jammer or Pet of the Month.
If you have already been a Jammer or Pet please don't sign up for the one you have already been. 
So lets say if you have been Jammer of the Month, you can't sign up for Jammer of the month, but you can still sign up for Pet of the Month. Thanks!
The deadline to sign-up is midnight tonight!

Clearance Tab updated with tons of stuff!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Chủ Nhật, 27 tháng 4, 2014

Biking with Monkeys

Jamaa News________________

Welcome all jammers!
Have you every wanted to ride in your wild side? Try getting a new Dirt Bike in the Jam Mart Furniture Store....
Looks like you could go pretty fast with this new item!
Original Color: Red
The Aquarium has released a new video....
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Sea Turtles....
There are currently seven species of sea turtles swimming in our tropical oceans. They’ve been around since the time of the dinosaurs, only 110 million years. The turtle’s shell is called a carapace and has become streamlined for swimming. Swimming fast and their shell are their primary lines of defense because they can’t pull their legs and head into their shell. Green sea turtles can stay under water for as long as five hours on a single breath! They can slow their heartbeats to save oxygen. They’re so slow in fact that it may be as long as nine minutes between heartbeats. Find out more about green sea turtles and download this page to color from Animal Jam Academy!
In other news it was brought to my attention that nonmembers can't get free chat....
However, if you are a nonmember who already has it, you are fine! But if you are new then no free (safe) chat for you.

This Week________________

This Week 2 years ago in Jamaa's History.....
Miss Cleverclaw's Dresser won the Den item Contest!
Also this week in history 2 years ago....
Underwater Best Dressed was the newest game!
The Spooky Party was released!

Sky News________________

Yesterday was the Animal Jam Sky Blog's Earth Day Party.....
It was a lot of fun. As I said, there was a BIG surprise. 
The surprise was that I will now be having 2 Blu Comics a week
One every Sunday and another on every Wednesday
Speaking of Blu the Monkey....
Click above to see the newest issue!
Speaking of Monkeys....
 Monkeys have been added to the All About Animals Page!
Be sure to check back tomorrow for the Jammer of the Month and Pet of the Month Sign-Ups!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: Talk about the post above :)

Thứ Bảy, 26 tháng 4, 2014

Modern Glass Shelves

Jamaa News________________

Hey Jammers!
The New item in the Jam Mart Furniture Store is a Modern Glass Shelf....
It does look modernized. What do you guys think? Yay or Nah?
Original Color: Tan
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Cobras.....
Lucky Berrypaw asks Brady Barr ‘why is the king cobra called a king cobra?’ in this week’s AJHQ+A. The king cobra lives mainly in the forests of India, spreading slightly into forest areas of Southern China and Southeast Asia bordering India. The king cobra gets its name because it EATS other snakes, including the venomous varieties! Did you know that the king cobra is the only snake that will build a nest for its eggs? It will arrange a bed of and cover about 40 eggs with leaves, during the egg laying season.

Glitch Corner________________

I have two glitches for you today! The first is in Epic Wonders. Did you know if you are an eagle, sit on the walls, then change animals you will still be there? 
Haha, that is me trying it out! However, it looks like I am sitting on the horse XD
Anyway, the second glitch is about crocodiles....
Crocs aren't made for Christmas, because when you wear Reindeer Antlers, they turn into a different color. Notice the original is grey and light blue, but when a croc puts them on they turn dark and glossy! 
If you have any glitches be sure to send them to and they will be shown right here in a post with your username!

Sky News________________

Remember to attend the party today....
I hope you all can come to Pawty!

Clearance Tab updated
Tomorrow there will be a new Blu Post, All About Monkeys, and a This Week in History so be sure to be here tomorrow.
Have fun and happy jamming!!
Swimming Orca Killer Whale
Comment Call: What is your favorite sea creature in Jamaa and in real life?

Thứ Sáu, 25 tháng 4, 2014

Winged Creatures

Jamaa News________________

Hello everyone! How are all my Sky Jammers today? Get ready for a Wing-filled post!
The New Item in the Jam Mart Clothing Store is Winged Shoes..... 
I absolutely love these shoes! Can't wait to wear them.
Wouldn't it be cool if they were animated and they flapped?
Original Color: Red with White Wings
The Brady Theater has released a new video...
Go on and fly over to see it!
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Giraffes....
Nice reporting Jumping Shiverstar! Your giraffe article is featured in this week’s NEWS CREW!
 Go to JAMMER CENTRAL in JAMAA TOWNSHIP and click SUBMIT. The next theme is for a Jammer Snap of a PICNIC PARTY! Send in by May 4, and you could be a selected!

Fashion Friday________________

Here is an ALL-Nonmember Fashion Friday Idea....
Rare Butterfly Wings: Trade System
Lei: 150 Gems
Woven Shoes: 400 Gems
Head Flower: 350 Gems
Pretty Cheap! If you have a Fashion Friday idea then send it to

Sky News________________

Earth Day Party tomorrow @ 6:00 P.M. AJ TIME
All About Monkeys Coming Soon!
Jammer and Pet of the Month Sign-Ups Coming Soon!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: What is your favorite winged creature? 

Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 4, 2014

King Triton's Trident

Jamaa News________________

Welcome All Jammers!
The New Item in the Sunken Treasures Shop is a Trident...
This is a great powerful item, and I really like the rope added around the Trident.
Original Color: Gold
The New item reminds me of The Little Mermaid....

King Triton's Trident looks almost exactly like the first one above!
The Sarepia Theater released a new video....
Watch this video and make sure that you don't get your shoes sandy! ^.^

Sky News________________

Big News! The Trading Center has been Restored!
Click the image above or go to the Trading Center Tab to start Trading!
I have deleted all of the comments so everyone can start trading again. Some of them were old comments. Enjoy!
In other Blog News, yesterday most of you said that Monkeys were your least favorite animal in Jamaa....
So, coming soon Monkeys are going to be added to the All about Animals Page. I will try to change your mind on these fun animals.
Jammer Art posted an Jammer Art that is now on the Sky Art Mini Blog!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: If you could visit any land in Jamaa in real life, which land would it be and why?

Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 4, 2014

Glass Shelves

Jamaa News________________

Hey Jammers!
The New item in the Jam Mart Furniture Store is Glass Shelves....
They have some sleek colors today, nice item for the small things in your den!
Original Color: Brown
The Daily Explorer posted an article about Ants.....
Dr. Brady Barr finds a trail of leafcutter ants in this week’s Creature Feature. Because they carry cut leaves above their heads like little umbrellas, leafcutter ants are also known as parasol ants. And did you know that a leafcutter ant can carry almost ten times its own weight? That would be like the average eight-year-old carrying a cow! Leafcutter ants carry the leaf pieces they cut back to their underground nests. The leaves are chewed into a pulp, and afterwards a special fungus grows on them. The leafcutter ants use this fungus, not the leaves, as a crop for their colony to eat! You can also think of these ants as little farmers with five different jobs: foragers, gardeners, choppers, tiny ants that distribute leaf bits to the fungus, and even smaller ants called minimae that tend to the fungus.

Epic Sky Den________________

The Epic Sky Den of the week is bunnyllover, for your idea of an Arctic Temple!
Congrats, you have been added to the Epic Sky Den Hall of Fame.

Sky News________________

girlslovekittens won yesterday's Discover Day!
Saturday @ 6:00 P.M. AJ TIME is the Earth Day Party!
Coming Soon... Trading Center Restart
Next week be sure to sign up for the Jammer and Pet of the Month!
Have fun and happy jamming!!

Comment Call: What is your least favorite animal and why?

Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 4, 2014

Earth Day Surprises!

Jamaa News________________

Happy Earth Day!
The New item in the Jam Mart Furniture Store is an Offset Glass Shelf....
Nice item, it is a very elegant stand for maybe plants or birthstones!
The Sarepia Theater released a new video....
The Daily Explorer posted an article about 
There were female pirates, although not very common. The most notable were Anne Bonnie and Mary Read who sailed with ‘Calico Jack Rackham’ in 1719. They were known to belt on a sword and a pistol and take to the seas dressed as men. Maybe they had this week’s RARE ITEM MONDAY, Rare Blue Pirate Beard. They were also regarded as better fighters than their male shipmates. When Jack’s ship ‘The Kingston’ was captured by the law, Bonnie and Read claimed they were with child to avoid being hanged with the rest of the crew.

Yesterday's Post featured a Mystery of the Cats....
Burrtail came up with a good hypothesis! Notice this poll was taken by AJHQ before Eagles came out, and we got Eagles! The second most voted animal was a Hyena, so do you think we could be getting Hyenas? It is just a suggestion, and don't think this will happen, but it could!

Discover Day________________

Comment Call: Comment the location of the image above for a chance to win a prize!

Sky News________________

 Here is the surprise you have been waiting for....
I hope you all can attend!

Here is the first Blu Photo of the Week....
It is called "Goodbye Lola."
Click here to see the Blu Photo Gallery!

In other Big Blog News....
I have released a new page called "All About Animals". To go there click the picture on the left column of the Blog!
Have fun and happy Earth Day!