Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 6, 2013

10,000 Views Extravaganza

Hello Everyone! Today is the day! The Animal Jam Sky Blog has 10,000 views! Thank you so much!
First, lets get down to business. The new items are at the Summer Carnival and they are two Freedom Puppy Plushies.....

The Daily Explorer posted an article about Freedom Day!


I want to cry tears of joy! This is a big achievement for me, the blog, and all the Jammers who read this! I am so proud, happy, and excited for the future! Again, thank you so much for all of you who helped make this possible! I love you guys!!! Now here are some presents for everyone! 
#1 present: Here are some octopus graphics:

#2 Present: New Background! Have you seen changes to the background of this blog?

#3 Present: 3 new polls posted!! Can you find them all?

#4 Present:  Jammer of the Month Contest 
Click to Enlarge
Thank you so much for all the memories, and let's hope there are many more to come!! Have fun and happy jamming!!

Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 6, 2013

Freedom Astronaut Helmet

Hey Jammers! Guess what, if you haven't heard this already there is a new code out! The code is: DRAWING  To find out how to enter a code go to the bottom of the "Codes" tab. Guess what blog reported this code first...the Animal Jam Sky Blog! :)
Anyway, the new item is at the Freedom Party, and it is a freedom astronaut helmet.....
I like this idea, and it is cheap ^-^

The Daily Explorer posted an article on the cute hummingbirds..
I wish I had one, but yet I do not want to pay real money!

Rumor Reader

There has been a spiraling rumor around Jamaa! In the diamond shop, someone said "TURN ALL WHITE! GET 10 DIAMONDS!"  So I went just for fun. 

I kind of interviewed them and said like where did you hear this from? Who told you this? She said in a video. I found the video and it didn't show anyone get any diamonds! So this is in fact a Rumor!!

Blog News

I am keeping up this photo because I want everyone to see it so here it is again...
Click to Enlarge
  • A new poll will be posted today!
  • The "More Blog's" Tab moved to the Mini Blogs Column
Have fun and happy jamming! 

Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 6, 2013

Freedom Cat Plushies

Hey Jammers! Today's two new items are both at the Summer Carnival. They are Freedom Cat Plushies...

The Daily Explorer posted an article about the Freedom Party...

Speaking of the Freedom Party here is what happens when you click the fireworks...
Far Left Firework=Tiny Fireworks
Far Right Firework = Sparkler

Middle Firework = Big Fireworks

AJHQ has been pushing the jumping on the lake and bridge...
It asks what happens...but some people say that it means eagles will fly up and that's it. They also say that it never breaks, the purpose is the eagles.

Glitch Corner

This glitch happened to me at the Paradise Party. Nothing appeared at first, it was all just grass, and then when I started walking this happened....
The grass is on the water! Ahh! The bridge was also only halfway there! This glitch happens to me at the Adventure Base Camp too! ^-^ If this has ever happened to you send a picture of it to

Blog News

I am having a little contest for Jammer of the Month. Here are all the detail...
Click to Enlarge
  • New Code: DRAWING
  • Marco was added to the Alphas Tab
  • Animal Quiz added to the Contests Tab
  • Clans Tab is under construction!
Also, I made my den Red, White, and Blue for Freedom Day, so if you want some den ideas, go to my den!! Have fun and happy jamming!!

Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 6, 2013

Freedom Day

Hi Jammers! A weird update today! So old news, some bad news, and some good news! So lets get started! The Jamaa Journal is all about the Freedom Day Celebration. First the new item is this freedom jester hat...

 As you can see all of Jamaa is decorated now, even the Jam-a-grams...

Now for the first page of the Jamaa Journal..
I love this party, but it is really small and crowded! ^-^

I love that glove above! And speaking of new things at the Summer Carnival...
However, the problem is you can't buy the regular carnival plushies, but I am sure they will be back!!
 The next pages are about stuff we already knew...

And it looks like the Hummingbird 1-month memberships are leaving! That's sad, I bet not many jammers bought them because you have to renew it in a month...

Also, here is the updated Calendar...
Pill Bugs is still x2 gems for this week!!

 There is a new Call of the Wild by Jammer Central...

New Adventure Coming..

Look what I found there are some boards, rope, and a sledgehammer to fix the bridge...
That means a new adventure is coming!!

The Daily Explorer posted an article about feedback...

Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 6, 2013

Freedom Panda Hat and 9,000 views

Hey Jammers! The new item is yet another Freedom Hat which is sold in the Jam Mart Clothing Store and at the Freedom Party! It is a freedom panda hat....

The Daily Explorer posted tons of articles, which are all about dens! By the way you can click to enlarge the photos....

And the Epic Den of the Week.. Congrats, Crunchy Coolpenguin!!

Mystery of the Week

I went to the Freedom Party yesterday, finally! And I notcied in the background that I could see crystal Sands...
And then I noticed that I saw castles in the distance on the other side...

The mystery is the castles! There are no castles in Jamaa! Could it be someone's den? Do the alphas meet there? Is that somewhere we have never been? Is that the Phantom Castle?
What do you think?!?!


In honor of the Freedom Day Celebration and 9,000 views I made a video of the Freedom Party for you all! Enjoy!

Blog News

Have fun and happy jamming!